Best of the three.
A truiumphant end (?) to the Potter/DBZ series. Its greatest strength is in its nearly endless character cameos. By my count, I saw references to: Metal Gear 2, GTA 3, the Hardee's Star, Harry Potter, Morpheus, Pee Wee Herman, Mickey Mouse, Domino's, DBZ, Popeye, Edward Scissorhands, Trix, Chucky, Buffy, Darth Maul, Spawn, Beetle Juice, LOTR, OJ, Ghostbusters, David Blane, Teen Wolf, Back To the Future, Woodstock, Thundercats, Gumby, Koolaid, and my personal favorite, Star Wars and Star Trek! Great inventive work.
I only really have two major beefs about this - one that the cat scene and the intro runs a bit long until the title, and two, that some of the voices seem a bit unvaried and monotonic. Note Morpheus' bland scream and Cell's absoultely horrible voice. :) Nicely done on all other counts. I wouldn't object to more.